Monthly Archives: February 2015

RStudio v0.99 Preview: Code Completion

Great! This is very useful, it’s something we were waiting for.

RStudio Blog

We’re busy at work on the next version of RStudio (v0.99) and this week will be blogging about some of the noteworthy new features. If you want to try out any of the new features now you can do so by downloading the RStudio Preview Release.

The first feature to highlight is a fully revamped implementation of code completion for R. We’ve always supported a limited form of completion however (a) it only worked on objects in the global environment; and (b) it only worked when expressly requested via the tab key. As a result not nearly enough users discovered or benefitted from code completion. In this release code completion is much more comprehensive.

Smarter Completion Engine

Previously RStudio only completed variables that already existed in the global environment, now completion is done based on source code analysis so is provided even for objects that haven’t been fully evaluated:


Completions are also provided…

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